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Franchise - Business Opportunity

  • Franchise Laundry Jakarta
  • Franchise Laundry Jakarta Selatan
  • Mitra Bisnis Laundry
  • Mitra Bisnis Laundry Jakarta
  • Mitra Bisnis Laundry Jakarta Selatan
  • Venue Partner Laundry
  • Venue Partner Laundry Jakarta Selatan
  • Franchise Laundry Kiloan

We always try to expand our business to reach the entire Jabodetabek area. Therefore, we open the opportunity for you to grow with us by way of partnership or leasing cooperation.

Partnership is a profit sharing collaboration between Flying Phoenix Laundry and you. Basically the collaboration will go through several stages. First, the availability of places according to our needs. Then, we will carry out a survey to ascertain the feasibility of the proposed place and location. Furthermore, if all the requirements meet our criteria, we will offer a cooperation agreement with you.

While leasing cooperation is we will rent a place that you own, if we think that place meets the criteria to be used as our outlet.

The terms and conditions of each collaboration are as follows:

1. Leasing Cooperation:

  • Have a Ready Space for a place of business.
  • Having electricity between 1300-2200 Watt.
  • Have sanitation facilities.
  • Preferred residential areas, apartments and mall areas.

2. Partnership Cooperation:

  • Has a ready-to-use space for business.
  • Has a size of +/- 12m2 (twelve square meters).
  • Having electricity between 1300-2200 Watt.
  • Have sanitation facilities.
  • Profit-sharing system.

For those of you who are interested in partnering with us, please fill out the following form or contact our marketing department at telephone number 0811 936 899.